Guiding questions

What framework conditions would be conducive to reconciling social, economic or ecological requirements in the increasing digitalisation of the mobility sector? How can "privacy sphere" and socially robust rules for a responsible handling of digital mobility systems and the generated data be transparently ensured, e. g. in smart cities and in rural regions for mobility?


Markus Hofmann (Universität Freiburg, NETWORK Institute), Levin-Keitel, (TU Dortmund), Walter Palmetshofer (Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland), Michael Prytula (FH Potsdam), Liselotte Schebek (TU Darmstadt), Wolfgang Serbser (European College of Human Ecology), Weert Canzler (WZB)

Practice: Denise Baidinger (Deutsche Bahn AG), Dr. Krummheuer (detecon), Karl Teille (AutoUni ), Elke Fischer (VdV), Johanna Tiffe (form:f - critical design), Thomas Waschke (Die Denkbank), Christoph Wust (Ford Deutschland), Yulika Zebuhr (acatech)

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